
{About Me}


In Memphis, I did office work for the Memphis Music Hall of Fame and Blues Museum, and waited tables at the gone-but-not-forgotten Western Steak House and Lounge.

Kinda a funny side note: When you take a crummy, low-paying job for entertainment value, you don't expect to get fired. I got fired in a spectacular fashion from the Western Steak House and Lounge. It was owned by a former country western talent agent, T. Tommy Thomsen and his spunky wife Lil, a diminuitive senior citizen, all but swallowed up in her giant, curly blonde wigs and rhinestone-studded western wear...kind of a freeze-dried Dolly Parton.

During the time I worked there, I was offered a well-paying day job doing graphic design. I called Miss Lil, to see if it would be alright for me to come in an hour later than usual on Fridays. She said it was okay. The first Friday after we had spoken about the new hours, while my ride was dropping me off in front of the restaurant, Miss Lil stepped out the front door, and with both hands on her hips, barked

"Don't even bother gettin' out of your car!"

I got fired from the sidewalk.